

Carolina Viñamata

My life... One ex-libris


How to tell who you are, that makes, what is your hobby?

The answer is very simple - one exlibris





CAROLINA VINAMATA, was born on May 4, 1964, study the Visual arts master engraving specialization. Since the year of 1997 start to explore the field of ex-libris, created in me a passion unparalleled; from this moment I think the techniques workshop for the preparation of ex-libris within the continuing education program of the Academia de San Carlos in the Faculty of Arts and design of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México . Thus incorporating the workshop students of basic level of engraving and Arts graduate students. That same year organize several exhibitions of Ex libris in the city of Mexico, where I got great acceptance in the mass media; so in the most important newspapers in the country, radio and cultural television covered events of ex-libris.

It has been crucial to teach my print and teach the techniques of engraving with the development of these small works of art that is the ex libris and how to motivate my students has been inviting them to participate in the international ex-libris competitions hard.

I had the opportunity to meet the President of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors & Designers. James P. Keenan, who make some projects and appointed me as representative of his Association in Latin America.


The first recorded ex libris made was an etching with aquatint in zinc, for my personal use with my hobby at that time was everything related to Alchemy and magic.

Alejandro Barreto



     Víctor Manuel Ramos Colliere

Zacatecas, Zac., 1988. Desde 2004 ha sido colaborador de distintos medios de comunicación tanto locales como nacionales, sobre temas vinculados a la historia, arte y cultura del estado de Zacatecas, sobre los cuales ha dictado conferencias, siendo becario en la categoría de investigación del patrimonio cultural por el Programa de Estímulos a la Creación y Desarrollo Artístico de Zacatecas (Pecdaz) en 2015.

Se ha desempeñado como jefe de archivo histórico, cronista adjunto y luego como cronista titular del Municipio de Guadalupe, Zacatecas. Ha producido y dirigido espectáculos de música clásica y popular, exposiciones de artes plásticas y visuales, así como foros y coloquios de historia.

Ha tomado clases de dibujo y grabado con el maestro Emilio Carrasco Gutiérrez, produciendo en los talleres A3, El Tren, Museograbado, entre otros. En la faceta de creador gráfico, ha participado en 29 exposiciones colectivas nacionales e internacionales, resaltando: Mostra del concorso di ex libris per Milano Expo 2015 «Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita», Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milán, Italia; Exhibition 36 International Exlibris Congress, International Federation of Ex-Libris Societies (FISAE) 2016, Vologda, Rusia; GRAPHIUM-2017 International Etching Biennial, The Banat Museum, Timisoara, Rumania; The 300th anniversary of the coronation of the painting of Our Lady of Trakai,Trakai History Museum, Trakai, Lituania; XVII International Contest of Small Graphics and Exlibris - Ostrow Wielkopolski, Muzeum Miasta Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego, Polonia; I Bienal Internacional de Grabado y Arte Impreso BIGAI 2019, Museo Superior de  Bellas Artes  Evita Palacio Ferreyra, Córdoba, Argentina; V International Ex-Libris Exhibition Skopje 2020, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, República de Macedonia; y ganador del tercer lugar del Primer concurso de grabado Zacatecas Patrimonio Mundial 2019, Casa Municipal de Cultura de Zacatecas, Zacatecas.

Zacatecas, Zac., 1988. Since 2004 he has been a collaborator of various local and national media, on topics related to the history, art and culture of the state of Zacatecas, on which he has given lectures, being a fellow in the category of research of cultural heritage by the Program of Stimuli to the Creation and Artistic Development of Zacatecas (Pecdaz) in 2015.

He has served as historical archive chief, deputy chronicler and then as the titular chronicler of the Municipality of Guadalupe, Zacatecas. He has produced and directed classical and popular music shows, exhibitions of plastic and visual arts, as well as history forums and colloquials.

He has served as historical archive chief, deputy chronicler and then as the titular chronicler of the Municipality of Guadalupe, Zacatecas. He has produced and directed classical and popular music shows, exhibitions of plastic and visual arts, as well as history forums and colloquials.

He has taken drawing and engraving classes with the teacher Emilio Carrasco Gutiérrez, producing in the workshops A3, El Tren, Museograbado, among others. As a graphic creator, he has participated in 29 national and international collective exhibitions, highlighting: Mostra del concorso di ex libris per Milano Expo 2015 "Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita", Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan, Italy; Exhibition 36 International Exlibris Congress, International Federation of Ex-Libris Societies (FISAE) 2016, Vologda, Russia; GRAPHIUM-2017 International Etching Biennial, The Banat Museum, Timisoara, Romania; The 300th anniversary of the coronation of the painting of Our Lady of Trakai,Trakai History Museum, Trakai, Lithuania; XVII International Contest of Small Graphics and Exlibris - Ostrow Wielkopolski, Muzeum Miasta Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego, Poland; I International Biennial of Engraving and Printed Art BIGAI 2019, Museo Superior de Bellas Artes Evita Palacio Ferreyra, Córdoba, Argentina; V International Ex-Libris Exhibition Skopje 2020, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; and third place winner of the First Engraving Competition Zacatecas World Heritage 2019, Casa Municipal de Cultura de Zacatecas, Zacatecas

Adrian Herrera Madariaga 

Born on August 4, 1966, he studied graphic design at the Anahuac del Sur University, later he learned about the technique in the Snap campus Xochimilco, later in 1999 he entered the lithography workshop with the teacher Leo Acosta and a year later in the techniques workshop for the elaboration of the  ex Libris with maestro Alejandro Alvarado this was the beginning of a wide elaboration of national and foreign ex Libris.

 The meaning of the bookplate is unique because of the importance it has both for the owner of the book and for the book itself, since it gives added value to it.  It gives a status to public and private libraries.  The fusion of the image with the typography enhances the aesthetics of the book.

Nace el 4 de agosto de 1966 estudio diseño gráfico en la Universidad Anáhuac del Sur posteriormente conoce la técnica en la ENAP plantel Xochimilco y en 1999 ingresa al taller de litografía con el maestro Leo Acosta y un año después en el taller pde técnicas para la elaboración del ex Libris  con el maestro Alejandro Alvarado este fue el comienzo de una amplia elaboración de  ex Libris  nacionales y extranjeros.

El significado del ex libris  es único por la importancia que tiene tanto para el propietario del libro como para el libro en sí, ya que, le da un valor agregado al mismo. Da un estatus a las bibliotecas públicas y privadas. La fusión de la imagen con la tipografía realza la estética del libro.


Nací en México DF. en 1966; estudié Ciencia Política, Pedagogía, entrenamiento deportivo, mantenimiento de PC. En el Arte, asistí a talleres de creación con Pedro Antonio Ruiz, Antonio Nieto, Alfonso Villanueva, Florinda Rosas, y grabado en la Academia de San Carlos de la UNAM (1999-2004) con Silvia Rodríguez, Carolina Viñamata y Alejandro Alvarado. He publicado viñetas y grabados en Punto de Partida 94-96, “La Hora “de Oaxaca, Audio Tinta, Generación, taller es…, y recientemente en Periódico Poético.

De mi autoría son los libros “Expresiones gregarias” y “Formulario del goce y el éxtasis” y de arte objeto, ”Mezcal” ”Paso tras pasó” “Pandemia” el fanzine ”Estereotipos” “Fetiches”.. En colaboración he participado en los libros arte objeto de: La Calle, Poética de la Ausencia. 

Cuento con 152 exposiciones colectivas en lugares como: Ceuta, Porto Alegre, Zumpango, Galería José Ma. Velasco, el IAGO de Oaxaca, la casa de cultura Jesús Reyes Héroles, Museo de la Ciudad de México y 15 individuales, una de ellas en La Habana, Cuba. Actualmente participo en arte correo y elaboro gráfica de pequeño formato y ex libris, contando con 132 diseños de factura personal, en técnicas diversas.

Obtuve Tercer lugar en el concurso de grabado La Muerte de la Asociación Mexicana de grabado A.C. 2003, Mención Honorifica en Iosif Iser Internathional Contemporary engraving Biennal 2007, Segundo lugar en la segunda exhibición internacional Red Gráfica del Instituto de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Chihuahua 2008, Mención honorifica en Pequeño formato Identidad/Diversidad Universidad de entre Ríos Paraná 2017.

I was born in Mexico City. in 1966; I studied Political Science, Pedagogy, Sports Training, PC Maintenance. In Art, I attended creation workshops with Pedro Antonio Ruiz, Antonio Nieto, Alfonso Villanueva, Florinda Rosas, and recorded at unam's Academy of San Carlos (1999-2004) with Silvia Rodríguez, Carolina Viñamata and Alejandro Alvarado. I have published vignettes and engravings in Punto de Partida 94-96, "La Hora" de Oaxaca, Audio Tinta, Generación, workshop es..., and recently in Periódico Poético.

From my authorship are the books "Gregarious Expressions" and "Form of Enjoyment and Ecstasy" and Object Art, "Mezcal" "Step After Pass" "Pandemic" fanzine "Stereotypes" "Fetiches". In collaboration I have participated in the books art object of: La Calle, Poetics of Absence. 

I have 152 collective exhibitions in places such as: Ceuta, Porto Alegre, Zumpango, José Ma. Velasco Gallery, the IAGO of Oaxaca, the jesús Reyes Héroles house of culture, Museum of Mexico City and 15 singles, one of them in Havana, Cuba. Currently I participate in mail art and graphic development of small format and ex libris, having 132 personal invoice designs, in various techniques.

I obtained Third place in the engraving contest La Muerte of the Mexican Engraving Association A.C. 2003, Honorable Mention in Iosif Iser Internathional Contemporary
engraving Biennal 2007, Second place in the second international exhibition Red Gráfica of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Chihuahua 2008, Honorable Mention in Small Format Identity/Diversity University of between Ríos Paraná 2017.


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